Gunship & Frigate - Escort - Reinforcement - Fire Support - Security - Blockade Duty
This is the Perseus "Ephorate", used to fight against enemy combat convoy, sub-capital ship and fast fire support or patrol in order to block an area with 4 massive S7 cannon in any condition.
Transport - Hauling - Support - Resupply - Fast Reaction Transport
This is a special Xi'an transport ship "Syuhyao" or "Fly in Space" used to transport cargo and supplies in any condition with 1-4 crew members.
The DSC Heavy Aux is Deep Space Crew's heavy salvage ship sporting a total crew compliment of 5. It's primariy purpose is to provide raw materials and crafting (limited to multi-tools as of 3.19) in support of DSC operations. Captained by PlatosFather, the Heavy Aux is seeking industry minded crew members who enjoy the peace of deep space salvage.
If you are interested in joining the crew as a primary or backup, please reach out to PlatosFather (PST/US Timezone).
We pick derelicts clean of anything that isn't nailed down, and some things that are.
Life on the edge of the 'verse is rarely easy, and never safe. The crew of the Jackal became scavengers out of necessity more than greed. Even the ship itself is a testament to their ingenuity; scavenged components and asymmetrical wings made to function, if only one flight away from failure. As part of Fleet Horizon, the Jackal does what it has always done best - locates and sifts through through the rusting hulks and detritus deemed too impractical or unsafe for penny-pinching insurance companies to retrieve, and finds the materials and gently used components needed to keep ships flying.
Dropship - Boarding - Hacking - Air Assault - Military Transport
This is a special force dropship Legionnaire "Lucky-13" used to board enemy ships and take over, also used to transport combat personnel for air assault.
Current Loadout
• General • Ranged • Fixed • Laser • Ballistic • Super-stealth • Mix-grade • Special-care • Operational
Join the HF Pandora! The Backbone of every sizeable Militia, the Anvil Crucible performs on-site repairs and rearming of active forces during every major encounter.
Sign up and be part of the crew, save lives and ships!
The crew of the the HF Evolution, have a passion of getting the job done on time and within budget. We will get your delivery from point A to point B with no questions asked. And we will never bother you while you wait, when you are being transported to you destination, unless you want a chat.
We have a safe crawl space for you to hid in if we are boarded and you dont want to be found.
You can trust in us to get the job done!!!