Some of you may remember a previous SAR mission in answer to a distress call from one of Bob's loyal, well-placed associates & DSC grey operative, (& suspected Intuvii descendant), who after being tipped off about a hidden base in supposed Area 51 on ArcCorp, discovered it for himself and took a boxed artefact that he was 'unexplainably drawn to' to prove it.
This box has since found its way to our DSC Science & Exoplanetology Division who, after eventually getting it open, handed it & the contents over to our DSC Archivists. The artefact bears an exact resemblance to one previously bequeathed to the DSC by an anonymous benefactor. Organic by nature, at first, we thought the one in our possession was simply unrecognised material from a different star system. However, on receiving the second artefact we discovered that both artefacts are able to subtly connect, the unusual way that they do this has raised interesting questions, {more on this later}.
Our curiosity piqued, we contacted O8 who are eager to see the artefacts, so our next step is to meet with them to discuss the artefacts, which we will take with us to show them, to see if they recognise them, can identify & confirm their origins and shed any light as to the reason why the UEE might confiscate and withhold them in the restricted Area 51 on ArcCorp in a highly classified base Hangar 13, that we suspect houses other mysterious & high-risk artefacts.
After the successful meet-up with O8 members in which DSC Security & Delta protected a rendezvous between DSC Archivists, Scientists & V.I.P's to discuss the recently acquired artefact, we now know a little more about them & are excited to share what they told us with you.
Saorsa & Dion were extremely pleased at the appearance of the artefacts & said that seeing the way the pieces interacted with each other gave them proof of something that they had been considering for a long time.
We can now confirm that it was undoubtedly the same material as the artefact found amongst those confiscated from the wreckage of the O8 craft & it is speculated that both the artefacts in our possession relate in some way to the Intuvii gift of Intu & most particularly Intuvision/s.
The DSC continue to offer to act as guardians to artefacts belonging to the O8. These particular artefacts are of EXTREME HIGH VALUE: The whereabouts of all possible 08 Artifacts is always kept classified & whenever they are in transit, they need to be closely protected.
Courtesy of Deep Space Crew Archive Division
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