Welcome Crew new & old to Deep Space Crews monthly newsletter, The Ophelia Vine.
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There you can access & explore all the Division Groups, find out what Events are happening, share ideas & stories in the Crew Hall... & more.
Deep Space Crew & Legacy Fleet, QISS Organizations & special invitationals.
Operation Bad Reception could best be summed up by its own scenario tagline:
"Arms deals rarely go smoothly."
Differing opinions on gameplay approaches of the Orgs involved made this Inter-Org collab all the more interesting. Thanks to Legacy Fleet, QISS Organizations.
You can find out what & when the next Inter Org-Op is on the Events page, where you can sign up for notifications if you wish, these will also let you know of any preceded training ops...Sign up to join us & join in!
A lot of attention has been drawn to the Icarus 2 mission this month where folks have followed Crew's in-depth preparations & dedicated 22-day journey, travelling the HUGE distance to the Stanton Star - with interest as to where it would lead. The journey concluded with Crew arriving at their destination on 29 Jun 2951: shared by stream, celebrated with a playlist & acknowledged by some high profile advocators in the SC community. Including CIG.
Not quite satiated by their achievement - in the true spirit of exploration, Crew continue their journey to further find out if anything is at the centre of this star...yet... come on CIG finish the star, in fact, finish the Verse!!
In truth, there is already plenty to discover right now: Exploration HF
You can follow mission 3 of the Icarus Op - mission3 on the DSC Blog
Cover image courtesy @CaptSheppard
Crew gathered this month in Cellin's orbit - Crusader;
To discuss important topics from the perspective of the Org. Key points that arose were:
New members are welcome to Crew gatherings & it can be a great opportunity to get a clearer view of the Orgs overall perspective on things, to ask questions & input your own opinions - on a cool ship, in space!
There is usually at least one Crew & Fleet gathering every month. Find out when & where; here. Or sign to receive notifications for these & other DSC happenings to come.
This month's gathering was followed up by a wreck expedition on Cellins surface.
Want to find an item? Any item... Anywhere in the Verse? Check out the Universal Item Finder by @Meepowski
Want to find a location? Any location... Of all the locations throughout the known Verse? Check out Verse Guide in the Fleet Tools by @LordSkippy
Want to find out what time of day or night its is... How light or dark it is? Anywhere in the known Verse @ any given location? Check out the Sunrise/ Sunset Calculator by @Just Murphy
Deep Space Crew is a full~on Labour of love & all participation & contribution are welcomed! All donations big or small, one-off or recurring are received gratefully. A heartfelt thanks to all our crew & patrons past, present & future, we absolutely could not & cannot do it without you.
by the DSC Slingshots
"This is a work of fan fiction. All characters, places, events, ships, and ship designs, and other content originating from Star Citizen, Squadron 42, or other content produced or created by its publishers or developers, are the property of Cloud Imperium Rights LLC and Cloud Imperium Rights Limited."
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The Deep Space Crew founders, Chris & Cal are digital media specialists.
For matters of business contact us here