Operation Icarus - [Execution Stage] Day 18

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CO-AUTHOR: justMurphy

[Execution Stage] Day 18 : 06-23-2951


> 2021-06-23T13:20:09.4426768Z


## [UPDATE]: 62EBCA60-A68E-42DF-BCAF-BA3141A164AA

> 2021-06-23T13:42:10.2036733Z

* XrayAlpha attempted to secure a progress point on Delori after dealing with some party invitation issues.


## [UPDATE]: CC73961C-8617-409D-9F47-FA0CC596190E

> 2021-06-23T14:06:32.4805030Z

* HYKER-73 secured a progress point on Curva.


## [UPDATE]: AE9398E6-390D-4DE6-AD0D-1685699AD19E

> 2021-06-23T14:23:37.7977375Z

* HYKER-73 secured a progress point on Delori.


## [UPDATE]: E0AC498E-4D88-456E-88B6-A564EE7304D5

> 2021-06-23T14:44:16.2235825Z

* HYKER-73 joined as flight lead on an EU server after catching up with Curva.


## [UPDATE]: 5392ACDE-4BDA-4949-976C-FA96D970C462

> 2021-06-23T14:52:37.6873807Z

* XrayAlpha secured a progress point on HYKER-73 but was unable to locate his coordinate.
* watbulb secured a progress point on Curva.


## [UPDATE]: B91C7B9F-F00C-4A2C-A58B-177F898DFDDC

> 2021-06-23T15:36:31.8814136Z

* DSC-Smut secured a progress point on Delori.


## [UPDATE]: 99D50417-5B89-4B25-B7EC-F821B3EEEC47

> 2021-06-23T16:24:19.5989080Z

* watbulb secured a progress point on Curva.
* HYKER-73 secured a progress point.


## [INTERRUPTION]: 5175802F-D550-485A-B4E7-8BE3D60EF0B3

> 2021-06-23T16:48:14.7988218Z

* Server 30ked on Curva.
* Curva resumed mission progress from watbulb's last position.


## [UPDATE]: 27A24849-C456-426E-9D40-4DCA8836C05C

> 2021-06-23T17:56:00.3638711Z

* watbulb secured a progress point on Curva.


## [UPDATE]: 101B4FFA-B878-4C64-A2B8-BC696884BA76

> 2021-06-23T18:11:29.8824153Z

* DrEntropy secured a progress point on Curva.


## [INTERRUPTION]: 33EB0924-5CA9-48C2-8990-9521F015D4F8

> 2021-06-23T18:19:09.0668906Z

* Curva's internet died and disconnected from the game.


## [UPDATE]: B5187C32-A07B-4F70-ABEB-34D39077AE7F

> 2021-06-23T19:09:07.4556277Z

* Curva resumed mission progress from DrEntropy's last position.
* An hour of progress lost.
* Remember to pass party lead to another player before joining a server!


## [UPDATE]: 0e2af6a9-deea-4690-9daf-479b312814a0

> 2021-06-23T20:23:04.7392897Z

* watbulb secured a progress point.


## [UPDATE]: A9AD3368-4D62-437D-B44F-8EA835A62858

> 2021-06-23T20:50:40.7304108Z

* XrayAlpha secured a progress point.


## [UPDATE]: E6B41152-8A0E-4936-94B6-FFCEB9676B07

> 2021-06-23T22:18:04.1576155Z

* watbulb secured a progress point.


## [UPDATE]: C2097FDA-225E-42AA-93E1-63B180A5D9D7

> 2021-06-23T23:03:34.0390099Z

* Tech97 joined as flight lead on a AUS server after catching up to Curva and dealing with a server spawn issue.


## [UPDATE]: CC6A9044-A2A4-4122-B007-EBC1CA1A5B76

> 2021-06-23T23:33:47.8113338Z

* AUS server was unstable for Tech97. Tech97 resumed the mission from an EU server.


## [UPDATE]: 7D5CAA1D-5091-4F2C-A2DC-88B191DB714A

> 2021-06-23T23:56:39.0893693Z

* Curva was fully hydrated and fed, now back en route.
* Murphy discovered interesting facts about actor status.


## [UPDATE]: 8803E719-8720-4095-AEC3-CED20A8A559F

> 2021-06-24T00:35:49.0323597Z

* Delori joined as flight lead on a different server after catching up with Curva.


## [UPDATE]: F2D42E00-738F-4B2C-9153-8056E38D5A3D

> 2021-06-24T00:57:55.7454525Z

* watbulb secured a progress point on Curva.


## [UPDATE]: B5F321F1-0B7F-492F-881F-4F62F98E7B58

> 2021-06-24T01:50:45.4578910Z

* watbulb secured a progress point on Curva.


## [UPDATE]: 7C13E2D5-825F-493E-83AB-FE9B88FAE9BB

> 2021-06-24T02:35:26.7572237Z

* Tech17 secured a progress point on Tech97.


## [UPDATE]: 4E0B7C77-63BE-46B4-82A8-8BCA57383750

> 2021-06-24T04:13:15.9391502Z

* Tech29 secured a progress point on Tech97.
* Tech83 swapped out Tech97 and ran on an EU server.


## [UPDATE]: 4672F81D-B55C-4438-8224-C6F2E6494ADB

> 2021-06-24T05:47:40.5345331Z

* Delori joined Curva as flight lead on the same server.


## [UPDATE]: 23C3BCC2-053C-4B3E-AA84-D4A5E6EAB256

> 2021-06-24T06:00:37.7461094Z

* Curva switched to a different server to continue the journey and magically replenished actor status by doing so.


## [UPDATE]: 7FE1DF45-0B54-4218-9017-26914F5CEA77

> 2021-06-24T09:52:47.7442423Z

* XrayAlpha attempted to secure a progress point but stuck on spawning after changing gender to avoid infinite loading bug.
* XrayAlpha attempted to save on Delori instead, but encountered infinite loading screen again.


## [UPDATE]: 56167AC0-F044-4494-BE6E-E118911EF058

> 2021-06-24T09:58:33.7557011Z

* The team discovered that Curva's ship was disabled for some reason after a long unattended session. Curva was approximately 4000 km behind Delori as of this moment.
* Four hours passed without a single save point.


## [INTERRUPTION]: B9702248-B397-4932-9C24-2A3B921488C2

> 2021-06-24T10:11:56.7791849Z

* After a call for immediate rescue by Delori, o-Solei-o and Meepowski jumped in for faster-than-light saves.
* Meepowski secured a progress point on Delori.
* o-Solei-o secured a progress point on Delori.
* XrayAlpha secured a progress point on Delori.
* o-Solei-o rejoined on Delori and attempted to run flight lead temporarily until Delori replenishes supplies; however, the server spawned o-Solei-o outside of his Banu Defender.
* Delori found one spare energy drink and a candy bar. But this was only a temporary remedy.
* The energy water bottle stuck in Delori's mouth and prevented him to use mobiGlas.
* o-Solei-o experienced a second time of being stuck on a weird posture after spawning by rejoining the server.
* `/showlocation` command stopped working on Meepowski.
* Party reformed between o-Solei-o and Meepowski.


## [UPDATE]: B1FCEC4C-402B-4394-B6AE-27D625338356

> 2021-06-24T11:08:15.0561934Z

* o-Solei-o secured a progress point.
* Meepowski temporarily took charge of flight lead.
* Delori fully replenished supplies and resumed the journey as flight lead.
* Meepowski secured a progress point.
* The team successfully dodged a massive interruption.


## [UPDATE]: 9D613322-1E17-4B62-BA6E-927F11FD381B

> 2021-06-24T11:31:20.5432931Z

* HYKER-73 secured a progress point on Delori.
* Curva died of thirst.


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