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Operation Icarus - [Execution Stage] Day 15
CO-AUTHOR: justMurphy
[Execution Stage] Day 15 : 06-20-2951
This story-driven journal will be published soon.
# [LOGGING INITIALIZED] > 2021-06-20T13:14:12.6574020Z --- ## [UPDATE]: 3A96D56E-4BCF-4EA9-B12C-51FE0C442CEB > 2021-06-20T13:38:15.5060770Z * DrEntropy secured a progress point on Curva. --- ## [UPDATE]: EB5FED5A-1FD4-4828-B5B4-1DFD5EA84719 > 2021-06-20T15:15:02.2369267Z * Server 30ked on Curva. * Curva secured a progress point on Delori. --- ## [UPDATE]: 46592BEA-313A-4CE8-9EFD-DB4B60231260 > 2021-06-20T15:51:24.5628047Z * Bo-Fone secured a progress point on Delori, then carried on the journey on a different server. * DrEntropy secured a progress point. --- ## [UPDATE]: 1AAEEEC1-653C-4291-A28E-D7C2817A20A5 > 2021-06-20T16:18:12.1605717Z * DrEntropy secured a progress point and started party management. --- ## [UPDATE]: D598827B-5455-44BA-8763-E85E0A2EADD7 > 2021-06-20T16:44:47.1446877Z * Delori secured a progress point and signed off for today. --- ## [UPDATE]: 9F1A8ABE-8D84-4C4C-A9BE-5F0ABF304E48 > 2021-06-20T17:29:58.8959571Z * XrayAlpha secured a progress point on Bo-Fone. --- ## [UPDATE]: 26B056A7-70C5-4B1D-9E2F-D35F36DC6EF7 > 2021-06-20T17:43:34.2792119Z * DrEntropy secured a progress point. * watbulb secured a progress point. --- ## [UPDATE]: CB45C267-206A-4EE3-97B6-A4340B5185E2 > 2021-06-20T18:53:50.9375578Z * watbulb secured a progress point. * DrEntropy secured a progress point. --- ## [UPDATE]: 7DF8D0B5-C88F-49E9-9766-CB0D1A0FE448 > 2021-06-20T19:10:36.0404181Z * XrayAlpha secured a progress point after replenishing supplies. * XrayAlpha took flight lead on a different server. --- ## [UPDATE]: D51B0F7F-6A59-475A-AD03-7121C33E11B7 > 2021-06-20T20:38:30.9594615Z * DrEntropy secured a progress point on Bo-Fone. * XrayAlpha signed off for tonight but continued to run as lead after fully fed and hydrated. --- ## [INTERRUPTION]: B7A63CE5-A341-4FE5-9869-60D43111CCF5 > 2021-06-20T21:37:20.2905458Z * Server 30ked on Bo-Fone. * DrEntropy secured a progress point on XrayAlpha. --- ## [UPDATE]: 56A56566-EEF1-4029-A038-8252D3783266 > 2021-06-20T22:02:06.0553945Z * Bo-Fone resumed the progress on a different server after transferring progress from XrayAlpha's position on a running server. * Arrival time delayed 10 mins. --- ## [UPDATE]:4BEE8831-8FF2-4551-867A-7C7FABF19FB2 > 2021-06-20T22:26:47.0984879Z * DrEntropy secured a progress point on XrayAlpha. --- ## [UPDATE]: F61D91CE-84DF-46BC-8C52-41A3BFE35FA8 > 2021-06-20T22:55:28.9672020Z * DrEntropy secured a progress point on XrayAlpha. --- ## [UPDATE]: 3DC58FD8-A3FC-4845-A032-E3F9170E9365 > 2021-06-20T23:19:21.0069304Z * DrEntropy secured a progress point on Bo-Fone. * XrayAlpha was at 42% hydration. --- ## [UPDATE]: 474EFB3A-E631-4369-B627-64D1D210B03E > 2021-06-20T23:57:35.4750649Z * XrayAlpha died of thirst. * DrEntropy secured a progress point on Bo-Fone. --- ## [UPDATE]: C86D2D50-A2FD-4A46-B811-89DF519E4BAC > 2021-06-21T00:12:18.8678037Z * watbulb secured a progress point on Bo-Fone. --- ## [INTERRUPTION]: E74FFEEA-0741-469E-AA47-282833C01D53 > 2021-06-21T00:33:59.6454522Z * Server 30ked on Bo-Fone. * DrEntropy secured a progress point on watbulb's last position. --- ## [UPDATE]: A052E9B3-FD42-4010-BB32-00CADDEBE61D > 2021-06-21T00:54:22.8538502Z * Bo-Fone resumed the mission from watbulb's last position. * Arrival time delayed to **6/29/2021 0:16:33**, another 30 mins approximately. --- ## [UPDATE]: 014CE4F2-62D2-4806-91D6-652C97A6C5AF > 2021-06-21T01:26:45.2320790Z * DrEntropy secured a progress point on Bo-Fone. --- ## [UPDATE]: 1EC4C6E9-22E4-48DA-929F-A6DE0B9EC44A > 2021-06-21T02:06:29.0749060Z * DrEntropy secured a progress point on Bo-Fone. --- ## [UPDATE]: 9FD7DBA4-63E2-4D29-83EF-1E0D2E3FFB4A > 2021-06-21T03:08:00.4841365Z * watbulb secured a progress point on Bo-Fone. * DrEntropy signed off for tonight. watbulb took charge in party management. --- ## [INTERRUPTION]: 468E9E60-3E5E-433F-AC45-9F8F4C73C533 > 2021-06-21T04:07:48.4547085Z * Server 30ked on Bo-Fone. * DrEntropy came back. watbulb held a temporary position from DrEntropy's last position. * Bo-Fone secured a progress point. * Goslice secured a progress point. * Curva secured a progress point. --- ## [UPDATE]: C480CEBF-DA14-42C1-8243-6A47243631BF > 2021-06-21T04:35:53.8795076Z * Cosmic-Melody resumed the progress from watbulb's temporary position. * watbulb secured a progress point. * Arrival time delayed to **6/29/2021 2:01:33** UTC, about another 2 hours delay. --- ## [UPDATE]: 7CDBD7EE-7F48-43E4-9624-F16A4EA92B0B > 2021-06-21T05:42:21.9889566Z * watbulb secured a progress point on Cosmic-Melody. --- ## [UPDATE]: E539B59C-4B06-4450-B625-E329B92A113B > 2021-06-21T06:32:18.9822355Z * watbulb secured a progress point on Cosmic-Melody. --- ## [UPDATE]: E37B1022-7D2A-4CC5-97DA-377D962E05C2 > 2021-06-21T07:43:41.6351327Z * watbulb secured a progress point on Cosmic-Melody. * Bo-Fone promised to come back quickly after a soul-saving meal, but fell asleep on the table. The EU team waited for an hour for his return. Eventually, watbulb secured a progress point on Cosmic-Melody and attempted to party-launch into a new server with the EU team. --- ## [UPDATE]: 4BA0BEFA-CDE7-4360-89C8-EE93DB4CEE04 > 2021-06-21T08:07:45.2643783Z * watbulb secured another progress point on Cosmic-Melody before the party launch. * HYKER-73 took flight lead after party launching with watbulb and caught up to watbulb's position. * watbulb secured a progress point. * HYKER-73 took charge of party management. * XrayAlpha took flight lead on the same server after catching up with HYKER-73. --- ## [UPDATE]: 859F1299-AE5E-422E-AA3B-663B86B04224 > 2021-06-21T09:41:38.6615564Z * watbulb secured a progress point on HYKER-73 & Xray. --- ## [UPDATE]: 4C03944E-C4F6-42A2-9EAA-C186AA05C922 > 2021-06-21T09:51:26.6165110Z * Server 30ked on Cosmic-Melody. * HYKER-73 secured a progress point. * XrayAlpha was the only flight lead at this point after replenishing actor status. --- ## [UPDATE]: 90B9F05A-242A-40B3-B856-810974DF0074 > 2021-06-21T10:30:46.0273783Z * watbulb secured a progress point on XrayAlpha. --- ## [UPDATE]: 080B58EC-DA82-431A-BE60-CE5E2F33C583 > 2021-06-21T11:10:12.1605067Z * watbulb secured a progress point on XrayAlpha ans signed off for tonight. * Cosmic-Melody secured a progress on XrayAlpha. --- ## [UPDATE]: F8064C74-5819-4F23-BF05-2A82CD84654D > 2021-06-21T11:30:41.3439112Z * HYKER-73 secured a progress point on XrayAlpha. * movive joined XrayAlpha as flight lead after saving a progress point on his current position. * Current flight leads: movive and XrayAlpha on two different servers. --- ## [UPDATE]: 0B4057D7-2002-42E4-95A6-92026500B682 > 2021-06-21T12:07:42.2627373Z * HYKER-73 secured a progress point on movive. --- ## [UPDATE]: 0294B07E-3368-46CE-A444-3A3C73D3CB90 > 2021-06-21T12:50:05.0157773Z * XrayAlpha secured a progress point. * Delori took charge of party management, flight lead, and swapped XrayAlpha. ---
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