Operation Icarus - [Execution Stage] Day 14

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CO-AUTHOR: justMurphy

[Execution Stage] Day 14 : 06-19-2951


> 2021-06-19T11:52:02.1108858Z


## [INTERRUPTION]: 71FB1FC9-E82C-4337-B3B9-9E42A8B7557E

> 2021-06-19T11:52:02.1108858Z

* Server 30ked again on Delori and Bo-Fone.
* Mission resumed from Flinner's last save point. No progress lost.
* Delori secured a progress point.


## [UPDATE]: 15F3B30B-67BD-4A58-8B66-798590F195D1

> 2021-06-19T12:32:59.9960414Z

* Veyor secured a progress point.


## [PAUSE]: E771CB4F-6DAD-44A2-A204-486EA3795B3F

> 2021-06-19T14:40:03.4165520Z

* Flinner secured a progress point.
* Mission halted chasers to become available and update save points.


## [UPDATE]: 2C26D944-D868-4495-9939-8A8EF3CA71DE

> 2021-06-19T15:17:51.8470246Z

* Attempted to save progress points with the help from DrEntropy, but failed due to an immediate 30k after loading in Bo-Fone.
* Progress point transferred from Flinner to DrEntropy.
* Bo-Fone secured a progress point and then took lead to continue the mission on a different EU server.


## [UPDATE]: 7E78CDD5-DBC4-45AA-A0A7-2538432F1E3F

> 2021-06-19T17:01:11.6579098Z

* Veyor secured a progress point.


## [UPDATE]: EAB6B218-8148-4CC0-8F37-BEA6C4438E3C

> 2021-06-19T17:38:17.4045895Z

* XrayAlpha secured a progress point.


## [UPDATE]: 3D21ED90-7BB3-4371-8C41-169E5DBDA79D

> 2021-06-19T18:55:46.6468924Z

* XrayAlpha secured a progress point.
* DrEntropy secured a progress point.


## [UPDATE]: 6BC0B7EA-B807-4C02-8E3F-609F2E6D623E

> 2021-06-19T19:04:32.0441228Z

* Veyor secured a progress point.


## [UPDATE]: 9CDF1208-9556-4875-B471-DC2BA2C167F9

> 2021-06-19T19:54:17.2454812Z

* Veyor secured a progress point.


## [UPDATE]: B2D484BF-6A41-4BCD-8CBE-13E07BA10C42

> 2021-06-19T20:41:53.3100069Z

* DrEntropy secured a progress point.


## [UPDATE]: E320C946-274F-4FA4-B51A-2B4AE0D53AC7

> 2021-06-19T21:30:13.0300272Z

* Veyor secured a progress point.


## [INTERRUPTION]: E654928D-64F4-4D91-A0A1-C91B68CE5A64

> 2021-06-19T23:09:07.4583016Z

* Server 30ked on Bo-Fone, right before DrEntropy was pulling up to Bo-Fone for a save.
* Last save position was from Veyor, 1 hour and 39 minutes ago.


## [UPDATE]: DB4B5AFC-BF87-4E0F-8587-41F7E641F67C

> 2021-06-20T00:57:26.9690127Z

* Bo-Fone secured a progress point from Veyor's last position.
* Goslice secured a progress point.
* Flinner secured a progress point on DrEntropy after he arrived at Veyor's position.
* Veyor secured a progress point.
* Curva secured a progress point.
* movive failed to secure a progress point due to a non-interactive bed.
* Cosmic-Melody secured a progress point.
* watbulb secured a progress point.


## [UPDATE]: F8ACCF59-D252-4797-862C-DFB9073D34CA

> 2021-06-20T02:00:21.6719887Z

* movive resumed the mission from DrEntropy's position.
* DrEntropy secured a progress point.
* Approximately 4.5 hours progress lost.


## [UPDATE]: 1969E5A1-0437-4588-8526-1E14B4D54778

> 2021-06-20T03:55:04.4467059Z

* watbulb secured a progress point.


## [UPDATE]: 5D119082-1594-4A10-9E3D-6B7C3DFCED5A

> 2021-06-20T06:26:09.0501377Z

* movive secured a progress point.
* Cosmic-Melody resumed the journey from watbulb's temporary hold position.


## [UPDATE]: 69CB6095-714A-4B66-9336-906B7976627A

> 2021-06-20T07:17:20.8253782Z

* watbulb secured a progress point.


## [UPDATE]: 57E644E6-B868-417D-AF22-19C44DA5D012

> 2021-06-20T09:00:07.4902948Z

* watbulb secured a progress point.


## [UPDATE]: 03F9607A-698A-4A72-8D45-C612F264F176

> 2021-06-20T09:58:20.3500032Z

* watbulb secured a progress point.


## [INTERRUPTION]: 63C62E7E-6B4E-4FCB-842D-99C57FBB4FD1

> 2021-06-20T10:15:10.5198189Z

* Server 30ked on Cosmic-Melody.


## [UPDATE]: F0AD364A-DB2C-47FB-963D-37AA345EFDAD

> 2021-06-20T11:31:37.3594038Z

* Cosmic-Melody resumed the journey from watbulb's last saved position.
* An hour progress lost.
* XrayAlpha secured a progress point.


## [INTERRUPTION]: 3D4C1013-36DF-4ACA-9E23-9E81F5FE1BBE

> 2021-06-20T11:36:10.1258079Z

* Server 30ked immediately after XrayAlpha secured a progress point.


## [UPDATE]: 85626E3E-F2F4-4587-80FD-02BD8DE71445

> 2021-06-20T11:46:17.7079399Z

* Server spawned watbulb and Cosmic-Melody back at exactly where they were before the crash.
* Cosmic-Melody secured a progress point.
* DrEntropy secured a progress point.
* Delori secured a progress point and resumed the mission on a different server.
* Goslice secured a progress point.


## [UPDATE]: FD1ED89B-A217-4888-A781-72F1BD23366C

> 2021-06-20T12:26:52.6751630Z

* watbulb secured a progress point.
* Curva resumed the mission on the same server as watbulb.


## [UPDATE]: 20B5C346-C893-4114-9906-099F55BFD056

> 2021-06-20T13:01:30.7886370Z

* XrayAlpha secured a progress point.
* Officially passed sub-one million kilometers left until the objective.
* Officially adopted LERAHAD (Low Energy Relatively Accurate Handheld Aiming Device) as the name for our course alignment system.


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