Operation Icarus - [Execution Stage] Day 09

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CO-AUTHOR: justMurphy

[Execution Stage] Day 09 : 06-14-2951


> 2021-06-14T09:49:45.7028663Z


## [UPDATE]: 9A9818C4-D093-4E67-914B-B8E10668F3DB

> 2021-06-14T09:55:35.4811992Z

* HYKER-73 secured a progress point.
* HYKER-73 secured a progress point.


## [UPDATE]: 53334238-5C86-47F2-8733-4B2F4F70F04C

> 2021-06-14T10:44:03.0733878Z

* HYKER-73 secured a progress point.
* HYKER-73 took flight lead with Curva on the same USA server.


## [UPDATE]: 99FED86C-3FE5-45DF-97A2-7FA829521D44

> 2021-06-14T12:59:24.9471213Z

* HYKER-73 secured a progress point.
* HYKER-73 secured a progress point.


## [UPDATE]: 05895CB2-434D-4BC0-916D-B01363A8A7DF

> 2021-06-14T14:01:46.9943387Z

* HYKER-73 secured a progress point.


## [INTERRUPTION]: 2AD7BF08-BF12-4F24-96AB-F56308B60D48

> 2021-06-14T16:13:03.9946304Z

* Server 30ked on Curva.
* Flinner continued the mission from an earlier save point. Approximately 5 hours of progress lost.


## [UPDATE]: C9764EEE-A26C-4FD1-9F8A-08C72EA788AD

> 2021-06-14T16:21:07.0179793Z

* XrayAlpha secured a progress point off of Flinner's position.
* DrEntropy secured a progress point.


## [UPDATE]: E9DBFA6E-4664-4BCF-9864-E8C5ED07AAA0

> 2021-06-14T17:18:27.9037049Z

* Flinner secured a progress point.
* HYKER-73 came back to fast-forward our progress to a further save point in the pool.
* Curva continued the journey as flight lead.


## [UPDATE]: CA324F80-2990-4E18-B7A4-BF4DB71DF0DD

> 2021-06-14T18:26:24.8973643Z

* HYKER-73 secured a progress point.
* Tech00 secured a progress point.
* XrayAlpha secured a progress point.


## [UPDATE]: F2211A05-97F4-4401-AFC9-AD4F7E576851

> 2021-06-14T18:38:44.2895376Z

* Tech17 secured a progress point.


## [UPDATE]: 7048796C-D710-46EB-87B9-E102BE525138

> 2021-06-14T19:36:33.5019761Z

* Tech67 secured a progress point.
* HYKER-73 carried on the journey as flight lead along side Curva.


## [UPDATE]: D6EDFD64-E8D4-4C48-AF11-8CD654BDD346

> 2021-06-14T20:16:53.0475525Z

* Tech43 secured a progress point.


## [UPDATE]: 7EAEE55E-9272-4B89-AD89-80EF66222589

> 2021-06-14T21:06:12.9070405Z

* HYKER-73 secured a progress point.


## [UPDATE]: 055A8C1C-57B8-4728-B438-5F2AC75687C1

> 2021-06-14T21:34:41.8718229Z

* XrayAlpha secured a progress point.


## [UPDATE]: 4B2E2899-BA8C-4124-9303-1C861C69EF09

> 2021-06-14T22:10:13.0144065Z

* watbulb secured a progress point for the first time!


## [UPDATE]: CD4CDCBC-9469-443D-9358-1564C8C6C5AF

> 2021-06-14T23:04:47.5144474Z

* Tech29 took lead and carried on the journey.
* Curva secured a progress point.


## [UPDATE]: 270150A6-1348-4BFD-B783-5983FC03D789

> 2021-06-15T00:01:19.2998936Z

* Tech29 secured a progress point.
* Tech83 took lead and carried on the journey.


## [UPDATE]: B187F0B9-257C-41A6-B0E9-8F1E4424228C

> 2021-06-15T00:39:30.5598580Z

* Tech61 secured a progress point.


## [UPDATE]: F9C0AB56-4A22-4919-984C-A161148394C0

> 2021-06-15T01:05:20.5320593Z

* Veyor secured a progress point.


## [UPDATE]: B83BD053-85CF-47B5-B702-8FC26B57BAB6

> 2021-06-15T01:33:02.2525585Z

* Tech73 secured a progress point.


## [UPDATE]: C5DD1992-A609-492A-AB0C-FD803C8FE530

> 2021-06-15T02:15:17.0940450Z

* Tech79 secured a progress point.


## [UPDATE]: B0F9A458-F6C3-412E-AEDF-15CB343EECCB

> 2021-06-15T02:52:10.0020922Z

* Tech83 secured a progress point.
* Goslice secured a progress point.
* Flinner secured a progress point.
* Curva secured a progress point.
* movive secured a progress point.
* Cosmic-Melody secured a progress point.
* Bo-Fone carried on the journey as flight lead ans swapped out Tech83.


## [UPDATE]: B200CF55-011D-445E-AC58-8E6906982BBC

> 2021-06-15T05:22:56.3104831Z

* watbulb secured a progress point.
* Tech43 secured a progress point.


## [UPDATE]: 8F76EC88-938D-4047-BCFE-B1DF669A9381

> 2021-06-15T08:06:33.1609339Z

* watbulb secured a progress point.
* Bo-Fone suffered from extreme thirst due to oversight. The character's health was at 61% when he heard heavy breathing and noticed. Bo-Fone immediately injected a MedPen to prolong health and drank his way back to life.


## [UPDATE]: A8C9F8EB-7C53-4F1D-8622-8F1BFA80F71B

> 2021-06-15T10:22:44.9417073Z

* XrayAlpha secured a progress point.
* Bo-Fone restocked supplies.
* HYKER-73 joined Bo-Fone as flight lead and ran on the same server.


## [INTERRUPTION]: 9B566802-A354-4E39-8091-47D7DA4010D3

> 2021-06-15T11:14:19.4582246Z

* Server 30ked on Bo-Fone and HYKER-73.
* An hour of progress lost. Waited for XrayAlpha to return and resume from his last save point.


## [UPDATE]: 1B308B9E-6A8C-4112-9EFE-AB27C2EEB942

> 2021-06-15T12:28:23.1102042Z

* Bo-Fone and HYKER-73 resumed the mission on the same server.
* watbulb secured a progress point.
* XrayAlpha secured a progress point.


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