Please note these are the names the O8 took on after The Arrival. Recalled by Saorsa & Sisu who - at the time of writing this - are the only known remaining survivors in the Verse
O8-1 Ollin Niyol: discovered alive amongst the space vessel wreckage 2700.
Bonded*2 with Nuri Esther in 2728, he is now believed to be radiant*3
O8-2 Nuri Esther: discovered alive amongst the space vessel wreckage 2700.
Bonded with Ollin Nyrol in 2728, she is now believed to be radiant.
O8-3 Saorsa Dion: discovered alive amongst the space vessel wreckage 2700.
Bonded with Sisu Feath since 2730, both are alive today.
O8-4 Sisu Feath: discovered alive amongst the space vessel wreckage 2700.
Bonded with Saorsa Dion since 2730, both are alive today.
discovered alive amongst the space vessel wreckage 2700
O8-5 Ravi Soshin: discovered alive amongst the space vessel wreckage 2700.
Bonded with Yatta kairos in 2738, her existence & whereabouts are currently unknown.
O8-6 Yatta Kairos: discovered alive amongst the space vessel wreckage 2700.
Bonded with Ravi Soshin in 2738, his existence & whereabouts are unknown.
O8-7 Lucent Hiraeth: discovered alive amongst the space vessel wreckage 2700.
Bonded with Ar Ayni in 2740, he is now believed to be radiant.
O8-8 Ar Ayni: discovered alive amongst the space vessel wreckage 2700.
Bonded with Lucent Hiraeth in 2740, she is now believed to be radiant.
N.B Even though Bondings were celebrated after The Arrival, it is believed that they began the fated voyage that bought them to Stanton in 2950 as couples & that it was more a case of reBonding
Thanks to Saorsa Dion & Sisu Feath for all the above information. We hope to tell you more about these Original DSC crew members over time.
The Lore timeline on the DSC website has since been updated to include this information
Courtesy of the Deep Space Crew Archive Division.
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